About Us

Company Overview | Vision & Mission | Our Values | Words from the CEO

Company Overview

Olumycosoft was conceived in the year 2006 as Olumyco Integrated Service with a limited horizon in the I T World. The company which remained as a concept from 2006 grew into a bigger concept that now covers many professional areas of the I T world.

The company started rendering her services on a small scale in the year 2012 with instructing of classes on the use of Engineering software. In the subsequent years she proceeded into designing of 3D model plants, designing of machines, designing of houses, designing/hosting of websites, making of 2D/3D animations, developing of softwares and so on.

The various successes the company had achieved both in I T empowerment and rendering of services had made her outstanding among her contemporaries. Our training programmes and projects are seasoned with latest technologies and new innovations to give you capacity for achieving your goals.
Our partners are our witnesses.

Patronize us today and have a taste of it yourself.

The company renders three kinds of services:

  • Design/Development Service for those who wants to develop Software or design models
  • Training Service for those who wants to be a Developer or a Designer
  • ICT as a Service for individuals and organizations who want to our use our apps for a particular period of time.

We cordially await your patronage; use us today for we are your TOOL to achieving your GOAL.

Vision & Mission


To be a Tool in the hand of every individual aspiring to accomplish a task in the IT World.


  • Think a new idea/solution
  • Organize the resources needed to actualize the idea/solution
  • Output the result in a well arranged format as new innovation/solution
  • Locate the right people to offer the new innovation/solution

The above mission statement is our operational strategy to keep us perpetually as a tool in use in the hand of our customers and innovative for use by any prospective I T compliant.

Our Values

Our values can be described in 3 C’s.

  • Consciousness
  • Confidence
  • Commitment


The I T world is a big world that expands by advancement in technology on a daily basis. We solely rely on the attitude of keeping in touch with the changes that go on in the world so as to be up to date in order to be able to offer the latest technological innovation to our customers.

Our Consciousness is our BOND to the changing I T world.


This is the only driver we have in the company. It has kept us going and it will continue to keep us going. We believe through our Lord Jesus Christ that we can do all things.
We are able and confident to serve, satisfy and support you to achieve your I T dreams.

Our Confidence is our DRIVING FORCE in the I T world.


Without commitment there is no great achievement. Martin Luther King Jr. Said, “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed Music, or Shakespare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will pause to say here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well”. Our company believes much in devoting time, making sacrifices and responsibly using every available resource to satisfy customers. We are committed to serving you best.

Our Commitment is our FUEL FOR SUSTAINANCE in the I T world.

Words From The CEO

"First of all, I give glory and honour to God for His Goodness upon this company, a tool to solve problems and make people achieve their goals.
I have always seen life from the perspective of "knowing what the problem is and looking for a way to solve it". When the problem is known then it is half solved. Olumycosoft presents herself as a Tool to help people solve your problems in order for them to realize their dreams. Are you willing to develop an application that will run on the internet or phones or on the desktop computer, then we are the right developers for you. Do you desire to construct a machine, a structure or any system, we can always help you out as designers. Are you desirous of becoming a programmer or a designer, we are here for you as professioner trainers.
The Whites are doing well in ICT and they are busy adding values to their lives and the economy of their countries on daily basis. There are many apps, machines etc made by them. Examples are Facebook, Microsoft Word, Whatsapp, robots, drones and so on. It is high time you launched out to start affecting your World. You too can be the next Mark Zuckerbag, the owner of Facebook. You can do it. Don't forget it is all about determination, not wishes.
Looking forward to seeing you impact your World"

Thank you.

Victor Olumide Olaleye